Game Picking Calendar

Saturday, March 17, 2018

2018 Game Picking - Bonus Pick A - for people with 30+ tickets - Complete

First bonus pick for people with 30+ tickets

Don't see the calendar?  Make sure you're looking at the full web version of the blog and not the mobile version:

Calendar Key:
  • Club - Legends Club - Sec G, Row 5, Seats 16-17
  • DB - Diamond Box - Sec 104, Row 4, Seats 1-4

Club Inventory

Because of trade ins, the number of Legends Club seats actually available are fewer than will show on the calendar.  At some point open tickets will have to be pulled off the calendar in order to reserve those trade ins.  We leave it open so that the actual games can be picked as long as possible.
Club seats by price levelElitePremiumSelectValueExtra Value
Open spots on calendar62052142
Actual inventory6205222
Updated after Andy's pick

Next up: 
Last pick: Nancy took 4 DB on 6/24

  1. Kate - Tue 7/10 KC  - Club (2)
  2. Jon S. - Sat 8/25 Oak - DB (4)
  3. Jacob - Sat 6/2 Cle - DB (4)
  4. Earl - Sat 6/23 Tex - DB (4)
  5. John Sch. - Sat 8/18 Det - DB (2)
  6. Andy - Sun 6/24 Tex - Club (2)
  7. Nancy - Sun 6/24 Tex - DB (4)

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